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Event | Harvesting from Space: EU Space Programme Benefits for Agriculture in Brazil

Harvesting from Space: EU Space Programme Benefits for Agriculture in Brazil 


14 September, Royal Tulip Hotel Brasilia, Brazil

9:30 – 17:00 (GMT-3)

Speakers presentations


The event "Harvesting from Space: EU Space Programme Benefits for Agriculture in Brazil," organized by the EU Global Action on Space, presents an important platform for converging policy discussions and innovative agribusiness strategies.

In the first segment, prominent institutional speakers from the European Union and Brazil will engage in insightful discussions, exploring the multifaceted intersection of space technology and agriculture. Diving into policy frameworks, these discussions will showcase how the EU Space Programme and its cutting-edge technology can support farmers and bolster sustainable practices in Brazil and ultimately explore possible ways of collaboration between European and Brazilian stakeholders.

Transitioning to the second part, the event will shift its focus to the dynamic realm of agribusiness. Distinguished companies from both regions will gather to outline the practical applications of space-derived data and technology in agriculture. Pioneering agribusiness leaders will explore possibilities to leverage satellite imaging and data analytics for precision farming and smart irrigation to boost yields, optimize resource allocation, and promote eco-friendly practices. This interactive segment will facilitate the exchange of views and the joint creation of strategies that take advantage of the tangible connection between space technology and agriculture.

The event will provide networking opportunities with dedicated networking lunch and cocktails sessions, where participants will be able to engage in informal discussions and establish meaningful connections.

Title image - Credit: European Union, Copernicus Sentinel-2 imagery